I am caring for someone in a Residential Aged Care Facility
Are you caring for someone with a life limiting or terminal illness who is living in a Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF)?
I need palliative care
EPC provides specialist palliative care to people with a life limiting or terminal illness in the last year of life.
I am caring for someone
Are you caring for someone with a life limiting or terminal illness? EPC has services to support you.
I am a Health Professional
EPC can provide specialist palliative care for your patients who have a life-limiting or terminal illness.
EPC is a not-for-profit, free, home-based palliative care service which offers a full range of support programs
Our aim is improving the quality of life of individuals, carers and families of those suffering life-limiting or terminal illnesses in the last year of life.
EPC is the largest single provider of community based palliative care services in Victoria. Our services are provided in the Local Government areas of Boroondara, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Whitehorse, Knox and Yarra Ranges.

Palliative Care
Living Well Every Day
We support people with a terminal / life-limiting illness who have complex symptoms whether they be physical, psychosocial, emotional or spiritual.
EPC is fully accredited through The Australian Council on Health Care Standards (ACHS) ensuring quality, safety and performance at all levels of service delivery.
EPC takes staff safety seriously
Our staff safety is non-negotiable. Aggression or violence towards staff in any form (racial, verbal or physical) is never ok. To maintain a safe work environment for our staff, we regularly assess how our service is delivered. We may adjust our service provision in certain circumstances to ensure the safety of our staff.
EPC takes child safety seriously
Palliative Care services provided to children are delivered to the same high standards as all other clients. EPC has additional measures in place to ensure a child safe culture is embedded within the organisation, including training on the child safety standards. All staff have a current Police Check and all clinical staff have a Working with Children Check.
News & Events

In this issue we are excited to announce that our annual fundraiser POUND THE PAVEMENT 4 EPC raised an outstanding $35,740! You can read about our Care for the Carers Appeal, the fundraising efforts of our wonderul partners, The Order of Malta and an exciting visit to our offices by the Grand Master and so much more.
Every year, EPC's holds its biggest annual fundraiser, POUND THE PAVEMENT 4 EPC, at Lillydale Lake, Lilydale. It's a fun day out with friends and family and helps raise funds for EPC's vital services. Next year EPC's POUND THE PAVEMENT 4 EPC will be held on Sunday 12 October 2025.