Bereavement Programs
Bereavement can be a difficult time – often a time of significant personal adjustment. Grieving is a very individual process, with the needs of each person being different and possibly changing over time. EPC offers grief and bereavement programs that assist with the loss and grief experiences both pre and post death.
Bereavement support services are provided both regionally and through the home-based care teams. Staff providing bereavement support are qualified and experienced counsellors, psychologists, pastoral care workers and social workers. All have experience dealing with bereavement issues.
What grief & bereavement support is available?
Grief and bereavement counselling, a range of bereavement support group programs and assistance in gaining access to specialist services if appropriate.
Who has access to these services?
All families and significant others of clients on EPC’s program have access to the Bereavement Program.
Bereavement Program
All programs are available to EPC clients only.
Individual counselling sessions can be organised as required, by appointment with the family support worker linked with each family on the program.