Education for Health Care Providers
Community Education Sessions to Health Care Providers
Community Education is available to any individual, Community Agency, group or Health Care Facility that is interested in learning more about palliative care and/or a palliative approach to care.
Education is provided by experienced Palliative Care Clinicians and Educators, who can provide a range of flexible education options to meet your needs.
Our education services link to relevant accreditation standards to meet your funding requirements. One hour of training equals one CPD Point for RNs.
Education can take the form of sessions (minimum of one hour with a choice of topics) or ‘Introduction to Palliative Care Courses’ for registered nurses (Division 1 and 2) and Personal Care Attendants. These can be offered on-site at Eastern Palliative Care, Mitcham, Victoria or at your facility.
Topics offered
- The Principles of Palliative Care and the Palliative Approach to care. Includes recognising signs of deterioration, recognising end of life and the holistic approach to care.
- Syringe Drivers
- Symptom Management in Palliative Care*
- Fatigue
- Pain
- Nausea and vomiting
- Constipation/bowel obstruction
- Dyspnoea/cough
- Nutrition and hydration
- Pain Assessment and Management*
- The Dying Process and End of Life Care* - Includes management of agitation & restlessness and respiratory secretions.
*Are delivered tailored to either PCA or RN audience. Detailed Medication Management included for RN’s.
The following topics can also be delivered.
- Dementia and Dying
- Advance Care Planning
- Grief, Loss and Bereavement
- Communication in Palliative Care
For further information emailcommunityed@epcvic.org.au or call us on 1300 130 813.
Palliative Care Courses
For information about the Palliative Care courses offered by EPC, please return to the main Education page.
NOTE: These courses explore the comprehensive needs of people at the end of life and their families, giving an overview of some common issues that confront clients, carers and health professionals. All courses are run at Eastern Palliative Care, 630 Mitcham Road, Mitcham